Adaptive Support for Collaborative E-Learning

Welcome to the ASCOLLA project site. ASCOLLA is funded by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF - Fond zur Förderung wissenschaftlicher Forschung), and addresses adaptivity in support of communication and collaboration in e-Learning.


"Adaptive Support for COLLaborative e-LeArning" (ASCOLLA) is a research project funded by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF - Fond zur Förderung wissenschaftlicher Forschung) under grant agreement number P20260-N15. ASCOLLA is being carried out by the FIM Institute of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria. The project started in 2008 and will be completed at the end of 2010.

The overall goal of the ASCOLLA project is to devise, facilitate and foster more collaborative and group-oriented learning approaches than are possible with today's technological means.

On this site you can find a project overview, including a brief account of our objectives, the project's most important innovations, and an outline of our methodology.

You may also be interested in the project's results thus far, and in the latest news about ASCOLLA.

We are always interested to hear from people that work in this area, are interested in joint research work, or would simply like to practically employ the ASCOLLA results and released software, so please feel free to contact us.



Download the project leaflet (PDF, 1.38 MB).

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